How can social media help a business?
Nowadays, various social media platforms are used by a large part of society all over the world. The business sphere is no exception – many business organizations have accounts on social networks, and for their maintenance and administration, social network administrators are sometimes even hired to maintain account activity and administer advertising.
Social media is understood as a digital platform for users to create content, share information, and communicate. How is social media different from a social network? In fact, most of the time these terms are used synonymously. Social media is a general term that covers all social networks and platforms, while social network is a term that refers to specific social media channels. For example, Facebook is a social network, and the sum of individual social networks is called social media.
Why is it important to have social media accounts?
Sometimes it may appear that social media accounts are not necessary for business. This is often not true, all businesses can benefit more or less from social media. Social media allows you to communicate with your customers, create your brand style, promote your services and products, attract new customers, monitor the activities of your competitors, find new and qualified employees, and create added value. And the most important part, it’s often free.
For example, social media such as Facebook makes it very easy for users to share reviews, and reviews are one way to attract new customers. A good review adds value to a business, it shows other consumers that your business is reliable and provides quality services or sells quality products. Of course, social media advertising is also important for attracting new customers, which is inexpensive and very effective.
Another aspect of social media is content creation. Social media content should be engaging, short, and frequent. Therefore, it is important not only to have accounts but to actively use them – to upload content that is memorable regularly. The nature of social media is that content quickly disappears from the news feed, so inactive accounts will simply not be noticed.
Which social media channel to choose?
There are many social networks, and it is not always easy to choose. It is recommended to use multiple social media channels for best results. Below are descriptions of different social networks:
- Facebook. It is one of the most popular social networks among people of all ages. We recommend having a Facebook account for all businesses, whether small, medium or large;
- Instagram. This social network focuses on visual content. A variety of businesses looking to attract younger people can benefit from Instagram, as it is popular with this age group. Visual content is very important when using Instagram;
- LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional social network. Qualified workers can be found there. It is also suitable for a business that works in a B2B model;
- YouTube. Users can share video content on this social media channel. It is suitable for anyone who makes videos. YouTube can be used by both individuals and businesses;
- Twitter. This is a social network where you can write short messages – tweets. Twitter is similar to Facebook and can be used successfully by a variety of businesses;
- Pinterest. It is a photo-sharing platform. Users can create their own photo albums from images found online. It’s also designed for interior design, fashion, food, and travel ideas, so businesses in these areas can benefit from Pinterest;
- Behance. Behance is a social media platform that is all about showcasing your creativity. The Behance platform can be used by businesses or individuals who want to showcase their work, such as graphic designers or photographers;
- Dribbble. Dribbble, much like Behance, is a platform for designers to share their work. This is a great place for them to find customers;
- Reddit. It is a social network for sharing photos, links, and comments. It is suitable for businesses that sell products;
- TikTok. TikTok is the world’s fastest-growing social network for sharing short videos. This is suitable for businesses that create video content and want to attract a young audience;
- Tumblr. This platform is somewhere between a social network and a mini-blog. Small businesses that create visual content can benefit from Tumblr;
- VK. VK is a social network that is especially popular in Russia. Businesses focusing on the markets of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan can benefit from VK.